1945 King’s Bend by Misty Sol
1945 acrylic on canvas, painted by Misty Sol, 18x 24 in
by Misty Sol
painted 2019 as a part of the “King’s Bend” Installation for Philadelphia Museum of Art, “Soul’s Grown Deep” artist residency. The painting is based on a reference photo of my mother as a toddler in 1945. The installation draws inspiration from her stories of plantation life on King’s Farm in Bucks County, PA and draws connections to the the Black vernacular arts of the American South. The humble newspaper covered walls of her one room cabin draws a parallel to the aesthetic of the homes of the Gee’s Bend artists of the same era. The use of scrap fabric, newspaper, old photos, and found objects symbolizes the igenuity, fine artistry, selfcare and community care in these Black communities.
Kings Bend installation 2019 by Misty Sol, rag doll, acrylic painting on canvas, found objects. Costume by Monica Alvanel.
Photo by PMA
Stories, Songs, and Stitches
China Pettway of Gee’s Bend teaching me the housetop pattern of quilting in 2019. She told us stories of joy and survival related to quilting. During the Gee’s Bend quilting retreat in Mississippi, we learned that the process of quilting strengthens relationships in the physical and spiritual community.
Gees Bend Alabama circa 1937 photo by Rothstein, Arthur