Black women of a certian era, our mothers and grands, after they left work, the fields and factories, they transformed into elegance.
Hunter, not Killer
"Nina was baaad, that's my baby..."
with flowers ease_12x16 (1).jpg
sisters 1980
purse fulla coin Misty Sol small.jpg
Mammoth Non-Fiction Kindle Cover.png
the pinks
my skin is black
if i follow, will i drown?
blue black goddess song
red sun
Copy of Copy of  invoice 7  My skin is Black.png
Black women of a certian era, our mothers and grands, after they left work, the fields and factories, they transformed into elegance.
Black women of a certian era, our mothers and grands, after they left work, the fields and factories, they transformed into elegance.

The original is 5x5.5. Prints also available.

a collective celebration of our mothers and grandmothers, of the elegance, grace, and powerful presence of Black women in a romanticized past that empowers and comforts us. This painting uses the reference photo of my mother from 1965 to suggest the larger context of Black women’s history in the 20th century. In addition to the joyful response I’ve witnessed Black people have to this painting, Black women of a certian era… is also an outlet for collective grief because it deals with memory, the passage of time and the idea of inevitable loss. This piece was a part of the group show Avant Garde at the Thinker Maker Society, 2022, and as a part of the group show Divine Feminine Energy: Honoring our Mothers, at Ultra Silk Gallery, 2023. Both galleries are in Philadelphia.

Hunter, not Killer
Hunter, not Killer

40x50 inches

by Misty Sol

Muse: Mosadi

I have the honor of having my latest painting in The Colored Girls Museum this season, in the Colored Boys Room. I am so grateful to use painting to have a conversation with my children and the larger community about how Black childhood can be protected and Black children seen, allowed to just be children. Hunter Not Killer was Mosadi's idea. He wanted nature to dominate the portrait. The idea, I think, is that Black boys should get to make believe too. You can read his statement about the project in the quotes cards....

The Colored Girls Museum is open for tours on Saturday and Sunday this season. All of the work there is beyond beautiful. Please go and visit when you can!




# hunternotkiller

"Nina was baaad, that's my baby..."
"Nina was baaad, that's my baby..."

(The title comes from a conversation I heard between two elders)

Nina Simone definitely left a musical legacy of protest and rebellion. But she also made music about vulnerability and intimacy. She was a warrior and also a beautiful woman, sexy, vibrant...soft ...I love her for her complex brilliance and stone cold beauty. Yes Nina was baaad....

Original sold!

Limited number of Prints are available.

You can also commission a portrait of your favorite artist/singer!

with flowers ease_12x16 (1).jpg
sisters 1980
sisters 1980

Acrylic on canvas (original available)

Also available as a print or digital print

purse fulla coin Misty Sol small.jpg
Mammoth Non-Fiction Kindle Cover.png
the pinks
the pinks

Acrylic on canvas (original available)

Also available as a print or digital print

my skin is black
my skin is black

Acrylic on canvas

(original sold)

prints and merchandise available

if i follow, will i drown?
if i follow, will i drown?

Acrylic on Canvas (Original sold!

Prints available)

blue black goddess song
blue black goddess song

Acrylic on board (original available)

Also available as a print or digital print

red sun
red sun

Acrylic on board (original sold)

Also available as a print or digital print

Copy of Copy of  invoice 7  My skin is Black.png