Painting and Music portfolio for Black Music City
My Skin Is Black by Misty Sol, Acrylic on canvas, 30x40 in, 2020, for the cover of the book Philly Jawns
Sample of song I recorded with Black Rapp Madusa last year
“Nina Simone was Baaaaad. That’s my baby…” by Misty Sol, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 12x18 inches
(The title comes from a conversation I heard between two elders) Nina Simone definitely left a musical legacy of protest and rebellion. But she also made music about vulnerability and intimacy. She was a warrior and also a beautiful woman, sexy, vibrant...soft ...I love her for her complex brilliance and stone cold beauty. Yes Nina was baaad....
Poem bird of paradise written and recorded in 2023 for Rahnda Rize’s Sing a Black Girl Song
“Jill Blues Babe” by Misty Sol 2021, for the Blues Babe Foundation, Jill had such an effect on me when I first became a singer/poet. It was honor to paint her!
I made this video at home with Garageband, as a thank you for a fundraiser for my kids when they were little. Everyone who donated got a copy of the video.
The Sound of Philadelphia Stars…by Misty Sol, Acrylic on board, 4x6 ft, 2018 located at the Bluford Elementary School in West Philly, This imagined portrait of Kenny Gamble and Guy Bluford also contains the first bar of the Sound of Philadelphia
What Chester Grows, mural, 20x30 ft, 2023, Chester, PA, Budget $15,000. I was project manager for this as well as lead artist/muralist. I worked with hundreds of community members and professionals to get this project completed. The mural also features Philly music legend, Ethel Waters.